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Our next event is the Camp Pendleton Mud Run on June 12, 2010. We have a team of 22 racers slogging through the mud pits to raise money for the American Heart Association’s CPR Anytime™ programs.

Our goal this year is to raise $18,000 to fund the distribution of more than 1,000 CPR Anytime™ Kits enabling over 2,500 individuals and families to receive CPR training free of charge. This will bring our total raised to $100,000.

Each year over 335,000 lives are lost to sudden cardiac arrest. A sudden cardiac arrest victim’ chances of survival are between 7 and 10 percent for every minute of delay until defibrillation when CPR is not performed; CPR has been shown to double a victim’s chances of survival.

A traditional CPR certification course lasts 4 hours, a significant barrier for the average person to learn the life-saving technique. CPR Anytime™ is a video-based, self-instruction kit, complete with an inflatable "Mini Anne" for practice. A controlled, randomized study performed by the University of Washington, University of Chicago, Medical College of Wisconsin, and University of Texas demonstrated the effectiveness of CPR Anytime™ in educating 285 adults.

Help us reach our goal!

(It’s Tax Deductible)!